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The north star guiding our actions

The impact cores represent the 4 key focus areas for our efforts. We believe these areas to be critical for effective climate resilience


Life is possible due to water. Water is nature's primary medium of exchanging value and information. Efforts around water is critical for a thriving human civilizaiton. 

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Mankind cannot thrive without the ever giving Earth,
from goods to foods, from shelter to gems. Earthly
material is foundational for a human civilization.

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Energy first in the form of fire, then fossil fuel and now Electricity powers mankind, to DO MORE WITH LESS. Pivotal to ensure human civilization becoming a multi planetary civilization

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Us, our social ability to collaborate and to innovate is what
makes mankind the most impactful beings on Earth.
In order to build a resilient civilization we need everything unique to humans - education, art, story telling and cooperation at scale.

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Through these 4 impact cores we assess our efforts, our goals and all things we do at Atlantis 

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